Advancing Steroid Research: Insights from the University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham






    GCMS-QP2020 NX

In this interview, Dr Angela Taylor and her team from the Steroid Metabolome Analysis Core (SMAC) at the University of Birmingham—Dr Fozia Shaheen and Dr Joshua Bain—share insights on how GCMS technology is transforming steroid research and clinical diagnostics. Discover how the SMAC team uses this powerful tool to identify biomarkers for endocrine disorders, develop innovative diagnostic methods, and shape the future of personalised medicine.




Dive deeper with these focused interviews:

Discover how the Steroid Metabolome Analysis Core (SMAC) team at the University of Birmingham is transforming large-volume data analysis, breaking new frontiers in oestrogen research, and making a direct clinical impact—all while using Shimadzu GCMS technology.. 



    Dr Angela Taylor: How Shimadzu GCMS Unlocks New Targets in Steroid Research



    Dr Joshua Bain: Breaking Barriers in Oestrogen Analysis




    Dr Fozia Shaheen: From Lab to Society - Clinical Impact of GCMS



    Dr Joshua Bain: Simplifying Data Analysis with LabSolutions Insight




Steroid Metabolome Analysis Core, University of Birmingham

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