Smart Flow Pilot

Auto Recovery

Mobile Phase Monitoring




Fully Unattended Operation from Startup to Shutdown​

Nexera can be set to start up at a specified time, so that it can complete auto-purge, equilibration and baseline checks in advance, and be ready for analysis as soon as you arrive at the lab. Moreover, the system can be set up in advance to run without user intervention all the way from startup through analysis to shutdown.

You can view the status and predicted analysis completion time for multiple systems from any location via a smart device.
None of these features requires any special software.


FlowPilot Protects Columns​

HPLC columns can be damaged by sudden pump starts and stops or extreme gradient changes. The Nexera automatically uses FlowPilot to increase the flow rate gradually to the set point. There is no need to create startup protocols for each analysis


Mobile Phase Levels Measured in Real Time​

Reservoir tray weight sensors (optional) can be used to monitor the volume of mobile phase or autosampler rinse solution in up to twelve containers. The containers can also be checked remotely from a smart device.

You will no longer need to worry about running out of mobile phase mid-analysis,
because the device will notify you before starting the run if the volume remaining is too low.


Auto-Diagnostics and Recovery​

In rare cases air bubbles can form in the mobile phase and cause problems if inhaled into the pump.
The Nexera has the ability to monitor baseline changes and pressure fluctuations to check for abnormalities.

When it detects an unusual fluctuation, it can automatically pause the analysis, purge the flow path,
and restart analysis once it has confirmed recovery to normal pressure.




Analysis Cycle Time Less Than 10 Seconds

The SIL-40 autosampler can inject samples in as
little as 5 seconds, twice as fast as the previous model.
In addition, continuous analysis can be carried out
on up to 44 MTPs (using 3 PLATE CHANGERS). Together these features dramatically increase analysis throughput.

Automated Analysis of Thousands of Samples

Non-stop temperature-controlled analysis of
thousands of samples is now possible with the
SIL-40's optional plate changers.
Set all your samples in advance with up to
14 MTPs or vial racks in each PLATE CHANGER.
The autosampler's excellent temperature control
also allows the insertion of additional vials
and MTPs during analysis..


Space-Saving Design

The Nexera frees up bench space with a
compact design one third the size of
Shimadzu's previous model.

Energy-Saving Standby Mode

Nexera uses over 80% less electricity
when in standby mode, significantly
reducing running costs and supporting
an environmentally-friendly lab.