Setting up a Teaching Lab – Dr Alan McCue, University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen


    Chemicals, Food and Beverages


    university teaching


    UV-2600i, UV-2700i, Nexis GC-2030, GCMS-QP2020 NX, Integrated HPLC

In this exclusive interview, Dr Alan McCue discusses the driving forces behind the partnership with Shimadzu for their chemistry teaching lab instrumentation.

Shimadzu's steadfast dedication to quality, durability, and ongoing support harmoniously aligns with the university's mission to offer top-tier scientific education. Explore how Shimadzu and the university collaboratively developed and seamlessly integrated innovative practical applications into their teaching program. With our intuitive LabSolutions software, students gain the confidence to delve into advanced settings, unlocking a realm of scientific possibilities.



Analytical Instrumentation in a teaching lab - overview videos






Dr Alan McCue

Dr Alan McCue

Dr Alan McCue, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen

*Affiliates and titles of the interviewee are current as of the time of reporting.

University of Aberdeen

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