Fixed Compression Plates

- Applicable for compression and cycle testing a diverse range of materials and finished products
- Available in diameters of 50 mm (2.0 in), 100 mm (3.9 in), and 200 mm (7.9 in)
- 250 kN (55,000 lbf) maximum capacity
- Hardened faces ensure minimal wear
Relevant Materials:
Plastics, Metals, Rubber, Lumber, Cement
Relevant Specimens:
Cylinders, Cubes, Cuboids
Fixed compression plates, or platens as they are otherwise known, are versatile testing accessories, applicable to compression and cycle testing a diverse range of materials and finished products. Hardened faces, surface hardness of 60 on the Rockwell HRC scale, ensure minimal wear, preserving surface smoothness.
These general-purpose fixed compression plates are available in diameters of 50 mm (2.0 in), 100 mm (3.9 in), and 200 mm (7.9 in). Lower compression plates fit into the table of the universal tester. Upper 50 mm and 100 mm compression plates attach directly to compression and bending loading jigs.
For 200 mm upper compression plates, an additional screw joint is required. This joint attaches the plate to compression and bending loading jigs and should be ordered to match the capacity of the compression and bending loading jig.
Fixed compression plate kits, which, in addition to upper and lower compression plates, include a compression and bending loading jig, are available in certain regions. Please contact your local Shimadzu representative for information about fixed compression plate kits.